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Desks and Character

Sunday, October 04, 1998

Check out your desk!

Are you sitting next to a workaholic - or perhaps someone who just
wants to be loved? Desks convey character, and you can tell the type of
person by the type of desk they have. There are six main desk types:

1.The super-organised workspace
This desk is used only for essential office equipment and is kept
immaculately tidy. Such desks indicate people who may feel
unappreciated and lonely.

2.The organised chaos desktop
The desk is buried under piles of paper and miscellaneous rubbish.
This person is likely to be a good lateral thinker, although prone
to to bouts of hysteria.

3.The creative chaos desktop
This desk is scattered with books, drawings and notes.
The owner is likely to be constantly in a whirl of activity, and is
creative and unpretentious.

4.The personality extension
This desk is covered with photographs and personal effects.
People with desks like this need constant entertainment and can
sometimes be insecure.

5.The show desktop
A large desk devoid of any revealing personal effects.
This person is good at assessing strengths and weaknesses.

6.The trophy desktop
Each item on this desk is carefully positioned for maximum effect.
People with desks like this are usually natural team leaders, but
may sulk if their talents are ignored.

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Last Updated: Sunday, October 04, 1998

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